Selfish is an extremely difficult word to interpret…. It totally depends on an Individual….or how you perceive it…
Is it the situation that makes people selfish or is it forceful or it’s by choice...?
What is the adjective selfish is it about:-
- Totally getting blinded in order to achieve one’s desires.
- Is it that we neglect others for our own benefits?
- Just respecting one’s own wishes and ignoring the others’.
- Taking help from others and then forgetting it.
- Be chooooo…sweet when you need help…..
- Always being nice to people so that you can get help when in need, is this selfishness….or you deserve it.
- Why help somebody? So that you can expect help in turn…is this selfishness?
- What do you do, when you are in a tight spot, act selfish or think about the one on the other side.
- To do things in the manner, those suit you the best…and overlook others. But what’s harm in getting things your way….. Is this selfishness…?
- You like being with someone, for your emotional needs….isn’t that selfish….
- What’s the harm being selfish to achieve what you dreamt of, what you craved for the most?
- Isn’t it insecurity of something that makes you selfish…
So much of contradictions….so many conflicting many connotations…..
Till what extent can you call, “it’s a selfish act…?” What’s the degree of selfishness?
How does one create a border line…. There is a very thin line…..though some acts are obvious but some very difficult to decide… can some be called conditional….???
I think the above all is very confusing, still wondering how to define THE ADJECTIVE.